Salary: £26,000 per annum
Hours: 37.5 hours, Monday to Friday
Responsible to: Sanctuary Manager / Head of Gardening/ Maintenance
Main duties and responsibilities:
The sanctuary offers a home-from-home environment for all our residents. The needs and safety of all animals, staff and visitors are a top priority. You need to be open minded to a changing working environment and daily workload. The role is physically demanding. The role advertised will require you to:
- To regularly check fabric of the buildings and grounds and to advise the Manager of any repair work that may be required, carrying out any repair work within capabilities and advise Manager if specialist contractors may be required
- To undertake any such repair work as directed by the Manager where safe and practical to do so, and with due regard to Health & Safety rules. Repairs and works such as hard landscaping, carpentry, fencing, decorating, general construction works and building new areas for resident pets.
- To undertake simple repairs to plant installations and equipment as directed by the Manager, where safe and practical to do so and with due regard to Health & Safety rules.
- To maintain gardens neatly and with due regard to safety matters with special regard for resident pets, wildlife and team members. To mow lawns and tend to flower beds, borders, planters and hanging baskets as required.
- To clear away rubbish and debris from the garden and grounds, bagging up for waste disposal or composting, as appropriate, keeping the area neat and tidy.
- To ensure the safe and secure storage of all hazardous materials, including paints, creosote, drain cleaners, fuel and oil for petrol mowers / strimmers, pesticides, herbicides and other garden materials, in accordance with the requirements of the C.O.S.H.H. Regulations (latest revision). To maintain an up-to-date file of C.O.S.H.H. Data Sheets for these hazardous substances.
- To ensure the maintenance and safe and secure storage of garden equipment, including mowers, strimmers, hedge cutters, power tools and any heavy machinery. Knowledge of how to use all tools safely and efficiently. Ensure company vans are clean and tidy at all times.
- To be available outside normal working hours to provide help and support should one of the resident pets pass away, or for emergency repairs such as broken fences, leaks etc
Together with such additional general duties as the Employer shall from time to time reasonably require having regard to the needs of the Employer's business as a charitable animal welfare trust.