Bromley are seeking a highly talented and ambitious registered Team Manager to join us on our journey to excellence.
This post has recently become available in a very stable and fully permanent service due to staff promotion. The service benefits from effective partnerships with other agencies such as Police, Health and Education, Probation, Housing, Accommodation providers, adult social care and DWP and aims to ensure our young people have the best opportunity to transition successfully into adulthood. We are a 16 plus service that benefits from working alongside a co located participation service that run our Care Leaver Forum and associated group work programme. We take pride in putting young people's voices and ideas at the heart of service delivery and design. Workers are also supported by specialist roles within the team delivering mental health support as well as ETE intervention.
Our Leaving Care Service consists of 4 Teams, with two Social Workers and three Young Person Advisors in each team. Bromley have prioritised keeping caseloads low to ensure a strong focus on relationships. We also offer a successful group supervision programme and are offering trauma training for all our LCT staff.
Our values and behaviours have a key part to play in how staff carry out the work of the Council and how we engage and build working relationships with key partner agencies. This framework outlines the desired behaviours that align with our established values, to help create a workforce that can deliver services that are seen as 'excellent' in the eyes of local people.
You will be joining an ambitious service with strong leadership and clear lines of support. As part of the Bromley Promise there will be a dedicated two-week induction programme upon joining us. We are confident that with your support, we will continue to provide high quality social care services to our children in Bromley as set out in our improvement and transformation plan. In return we ask that you bring your passion, dedication, and skills to us.